32. Saying yes in the right direction for your Career

Apr 16, 2023

Have you ever felt like you are not sure whether you should go after an opportunity or not? You have been approached about a new role but you wonder whether it is going to be the right thing? Are they paying your want you are worth? You really enjoy working with the team that you are working with but don't want to be left behind?

I recently had a great conversation with a friend about her career options. She was approached about a job at a different organisation - a different market but doing similar work. My friend was questioning what she should do, the role wasn't really paying that much more but she was starting to feel a bit stale in her current role. Should she stay or should she go.

We broke the decision down and I asked her to make a couple of lists - why should she move to a new role, what would be the good things about going to that role, what may not be the good things about going to a new role and also what is the career move after this or is there a bigger aspiration where she would like to see herself.

When it comes to saying "yes" in the right direction for your career, it's important to consider a few key factors:

  1. Your skills and strengths: Think about what you're good at and what you enjoy doing. This can help you identify career paths that are a good fit for your abilities and interests.

  2. Your values: Consider what's important to you in terms of work-life balance, company culture, and mission. Make sure that any opportunities you say "yes" to align with these values.

  3. Your long-term goals: Have a clear vision of where you want to be in the future and what steps you need to take to get there. Saying "yes" to opportunities that will help you gain skills and experiences in your desired field can help you move closer to your goals.

  4. Opportunities for growth: Look for opportunities that will allow you to learn and grow in your career. This could mean taking on new projects or responsibilities, seeking out mentors, or pursuing additional education or training.

Remember, saying "yes" to everything that comes your way isn't always the best approach. It's important to be intentional about the opportunities you pursue and make sure they align with your overall career goals and values.

Tune into my latest podcast where I delve into some of the reasons she would like to move jobs and some of the reasons that she felt unsure about the move. 


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