41. Embrace your Achievements: Showcase Your Performance

Jul 24, 2023

Welcome to the start of the new financial year, are you doing performance reviews for you and your team?

Yep I guessed it!!

Some people think that performance reviews are a waste of time. Guess what, I was definitely was in this camp.

 The thing is, it is the system to get yourself a pay raise and a bigger bonus! You need to play the game and try and get the best bang for your buck!

Did you know that your boss has a bucket of money - 4% for the whole team.

So some simple maths 100 * $100,000 avg per person = $10 million. Still with me?


Then times that by 4%. So that is $400,000 that they have to play with and distribute anyway they like.


Some can get 10% and others can get nothing - it is up to the boss and likely Hr. How do you stand out amongst 100 people. Get it?

You need to, as Rhiannon would say, 'Shine bright like a diamond!'.


1. Set realistic goals:

You need to set goals that are achievable and linked to your department strategy. There is no use working on something that no-one wants you to do.

Make sure that you have reviewed the goals with your boss and agreed that these are what they want you to work on. Plus, ask yourself, 'how are these goals delivering the strategy of the organisation'. If you can't make this connection then you need to review these.

Some bosses will brush over your goals, but this is what they will measure you against. If you don't do this then you are wasting an opportunity to earn more money.

Note: you should only have 5 goals max - anymore and you likely have too many.


2. Document your achievements

It is up to you and you alone to prove what you have done during the year to get the big fat juicy bonus and pay increase. You deserve this - right?

Spend time during the year documenting what and how you have achieved goals.

Make sure you have facts that display your achievements. Also, update your boss - it shouldn't be a surprise nor should they question what you have achieved.

Also share progress with stakeholders so that they are also singing your praises as well. Make sure they align with what you have achieved.

Tell and sell the story many times during the year.


3. Prepare for the meeting

It is no use turning up to the meeting ill-prepared.

I would spend hours prepping for my performance reviews.

I would have though made sure that I was achieving goals throughout the year. If you are pulling the sheet out the day before then it is unlikely that it is going to go well.

A good tip is to have a copy of your goals on your desktop.

Here are some strategies to try:

a. Collect evidence of your achievements, such as metrics, positive feedback, and successful projects.

b. Identify your key strengths and highlight them when discussing your accomplishments.

c. Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to explain your impact.

d. Explain what are you going to do next? What is the next 12 months going to look like.

Do you struggle with some self-doubt and imposter syndrome? Remember that your achievements are valid and you deserve recognition.

Plus 99 others are having a crack at this!!

Get a supportive network, practice self-compassion, and embrace your successes with confidence.


4. The Meeting / Post Meeting

Practice what you are going to say, like a job interview before the meeting. Think about the objections your boss may have.

Plus focus on the facts and what you achieved.

Also listen for feedback and how can you use this feedback to improve your performance. This is your opportunity to understand if you are meeting expectations or not. And if you are not then what you can do about it.

Followup with an email outlining what you understood from the meeting. Also include actions that you are going to take.

You have got this!! Have a great weekend.


Cheers Sam. xx


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