43. 7 Creative Ways to Land Your Dream Job (Beyond Job Boards)

Jul 29, 2023
Are you tired of scrolling through countless job boards with no luck?
Have you applied for lots of jobs and you just can't make it through the recruiters?
Not hearing back when you have applied for jobs?
Do you feel like your dream job is slipping through your fingers?
It's time to explore alternative strategies for finding the perfect job opportunity.
As a leader, every time that I have hired a role I have always first thought who do I know that could do this role?

1. Optimise Your LinkedIn Profile with the Right Keywords

LinkedIn is a powerful tool for job seekers, but it's not enough to have a basic profile.
Make sure your profile is up to date with all your skills and experience. Update your profile with keywords and terms that match your dream job.
Research industry-specific keywords and incorporate them into your headline, summary, and experience sections.
This helps recruiters and hiring managers find you.
Recruiters are searching for candidates everyday for jobs that they have or are soon to have. Make sure that you are coming up in their searches.

2. Take the Direct Approach - Reach Out to Companies You Love

Don't wait for job openings to be listed; reach out to the companies you admire. Leverage your professional network to get an introduction to someone within the company. An internal referral increases your chances of getting noticed by the right people.
Express your interest in working for the company, even if they don't have current job openings.
Build relationships with company insiders to identify opportunities that are not advertised.

3. Set Up Coffee Dates with Industry Professionals

Networking is a powerful way to gain insights into your desired career path.
Contact professionals who are working in your dream job. Be respectful of their time and come prepared with thoughtful questions.
They can give you valuable advice and open doors to unadvertised job opportunities. You will better understand the skills and experience required for your chosen career.

4. Create Your Own Support Network

Sometimes, the best opportunities come through word-of-mouth. Consider building your own tribe or network of like-minded professionals in your industry.
This can be done through online forums, social media groups, or even in-person meetups.
Share job leads, discuss industry trends, and provide mutual support.
By helping others, you increase your chances of receiving help when needed.

5. Cultivate Relationships with Recruiters

Recruiters have their fingers on the pulse of the job market.
Connect with at least 20 recruiters specializing in your field.
Engage with them on LinkedIn or through other networking events.
Keep them informed about your career goals and preferences. You will increase recommendations for suitable job openings when they arise.

6. Craft and Showcase Your Career Story on LinkedIn

Your career story is more than your resume; it's your professional journey.
Learn how to tell and sell your Career story. Check out some of the biggest voices on LinkedIn and observe how they talk about their career.
Highlight your accomplishments, experiences, and aspirations.
Use a mix of videos, articles, or presentations to show your expertise and interests.
This will attract employers looking for candidates with a compelling personal brand.

7. Become an Entrepreneur of Your Niche

If you're passionate about a field or have a unique skill set, consider creating your own business.
Become your own boss.
This allows you to carve out a niche for yourself and hire yourself for your dream job. Starting a business is risky but it can lead to immense personal and professional growth.
Finding your dream job doesn't have to be limited to scanning job boards. Discover exciting job opportunities and connect with the right people in your industry. Persistence and proactive networking can find the job of your dreams. Step out of your comfort zone and unlock a world of possibilities for your career.
And if you can't find it - then build it. 

Dream big! 

Happy job hunting! xx


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