36. Fear will Stop you Growing your Career and earning More Money

Jun 10, 2023

As a woman in the workplace - how can you stop fear holding you back?

In a world where women are already challenged when it comes to equity and equality in the workplace, if your own fear is holding you back then you really are doing yourself a disservice.

I can't tell you the numbers of times that I got so busy doing the job that I didn't spend time working ON my career.

The problem is so many women focus on working IN their careers so much that they forget to work ON their career.

Fear will stop you growing your Career and earning more Money 

If you don't ask then you are not going to get! The following tactics are proven to help you move past fear and create the career of your dreams. They are:

  •  Create a career plan
  •  Stop saying No to yourself
  •  Network like a superstar

Here is how to get started, step by step.

1. Create a career plan

If you haven’t created a career plan - how you do know where you want to go and how you are going to get there. Creating a career plan will help you focus on the what you are going after in your career and will allow you to move forward.

 Your career plan should include:

  • what you want to do,
  • why you want to do it

but more importantly

  • how you are going to get there.

How are you going to work ON your career for the next 3, 6 and 12 months.  

  •  who do you want to meet
  •  what do you want to learn
  •  what do you want to spend time on.

This is your time to think big! Then bigger!

2. Stop Saying No to yourself

I heard a great statistic recently that men will go get their Board Directors certification when they have already been a director on 2 boards - women will do this before they are on any Boards. What are the rules that you have put in front of yourself?What is the certification that you have to get before you can take that next step?

 TAKE THE NEXT STEP - you don’t need a certification to allow you to start trying and doing.

 How many times do you put hurdles in front of yourself that you need to do something before you do the next something. Give it a go, what are the blockers that you are putting in front of yourself.

Go after that next role before you THINK that you are ready.

 What is the worse that can happen? You will receive some feedback that will allow you to get to the next opportunity. And you will definitely learn something!  

3. Network like a Superstar

Networking is about building mutually beneficial relationships, supporting others and fostering a geniune connection. You want to leave a lasting impression.  Did you know that most people find their next job or opportunity from someone who knows someone not off the job boards.

If you are nervous about networking here are a couple of suggestions to think about to help you out:

  • Seek out women’s networking groups in your industry. These spaces can provide a supportive environment to connect with others.   
  •  Seek out mentors and sponsors who can offer guidance, advice and advocacy in your career.   
  •  Foster a strong personal brand that showcases your unique strengths, expertise and achievements.   
  •  Pay it forward as you grow in your career, make a conscious effort to support and mentor other women who are earlier in their journeys.

You have got this!! Now go think BIG about your career! 

If you need some extra motivation listen to the following podcasts:

Pursuing your passions - is your work aligned with your gifts and purpose

Is Fear eating your potential with Amy Silver




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